Water main break in roadway

The 8-inch water main under the central drive in the community burst on February 7, 2021 in the areas near 5130-32 Westgrove.

8:07 PM The water main break was reported to the City of Dallas emergency services. Updates reported here. Service report #50512227.

8:53 PM Main entry gates were opened. Red flashing light placed at entry to help emergency vehicles locate area of leak.

9:12 PM Dallas Water emergency dispatch on site. Construction scheduled for 11 PM to 5 AM. Water will be turned off for the north half of the community during this time.

11:40 PM While the damage initially appeared to be under the brick pavers, concrete had to be excavated and hauled off.

2:11 AM The broken pipe was located and removed. A new section was cut and attached.

A dump truck with fill dirt and a cement mixer queued up to patch the hole. The sand base under the brick pavers was washed out by the leak water.

6:21 AM Temporary patch in place. Water service turned back on. Gates closed.

9:40 AM Dangerous roadway / pedestrian conditions reported to City of Dallas. Service #50512291.

3:30 PM Alfonso (brick layer) cleans construction area so that there is one clean passable lane.

Owners south of 5130 are encouraged to use the south entrance/exit. Owners north of 5130 are encouraged to use the north entrance/exit. The area is a mud/clay swamp with jagged and broken bricks underneath the mud.


  1. The City of Dallas has agree to repair the concrete and the brick pavers in the street. The prolject is in the queue.


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