New water meters are being installed
A lot of the work is being performed on the weekends.
The Neptune T-10 water meter that the city is installing has a direct reading e-coder to facilitate walk-by or drive-by reading of the meter.
The water meter has always been a good diagnostic tool for residents and the irrigation contractor to determine if there is water leakage in a water line. To manually read this type of meter a flashlight is required. The LCD display only activates when exposed to sunlight or another compatible light source such as a flashlight (note that if a flashlight is to be used for activating the LCD, the beam should be pointed directly at the solar cell at close range). When the LCD is activated, the display alternates between showing water usage and water flow rate. When inactive, the LCD display is blank.
If you ever suspect water leakage call the City of Dallas. They will dispatch a technician who has tools to determine if there is leakage.
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